Training on "unstable" services is a very popular thing to these days. In golf many times, golfers are asking to perform swings on foam rollers or other unstable platforms in an effort to promote balance and better proprioception and stability. Unfortunately unless a golfer has good lower body mechanics, which most even at elite levels do not, you are actually going to degrade lower body power input and negatively impact weight shift and torque patterns.
The one unstable surface we have found that promotes good lower body mechanics at the same time providing an unstable platform is the Reebok Core Board.
In this video post I have chosen excerpts from a progressive skills training (PST) workout with zenoLINK/welch-e technologies sponsored professional golfer Kaylin Isler. Training took place at Total Concept Golf in Southlake, Texas outside of Dallas. In this video we discuss the use of a Reebok Core Board as a unstable surface which provides feedback and training while at the same time helps to promote effective lower body mechanics.
video blog: Kaylin Isler - core board