ZenoLink Founder and Biomechanical Expert, Chris Welch, Offers Expert Commentary in this Three Part Series on the Use of 3-D Motion Analysis to Improve Baseball Player’s Performance
The 2010 season has been labeled “the Year of the Pitcher” since good pitching is what puts your power hitters to a halt. But are power hitters what really raise the score? Traditionally, power hitters strike out more often. According to ZenoLink founder and biomechanical expert, Chris Welch, their rotational lower body power may mean more home runs, but they are also at a disadvantage for off-speed pitches, meaning more strikeouts.
“The best hitters are a blend of linear and rotational output,” says Welch. “With ZenoLink, we can evaluate a batter’s true performance output and root causes of power leaks, inefficiency and even injury potential. From this analysis, we provide ways to improve their coordination through a better Center of Mass and Center of Pressure (linear) backed by strong and steady torque (rotational). This gives a batter the steady swing needed to make contact with the ball, but with more power behind it, thus lowering their strikeouts and raising their ability to hit strategically.”
Chris Welch is the founder of ZenoLink and the leading expert on sports injury prevention and increased performance for athletes as it relates to one simple solution: coordination through understanding biomechanics.
Stay tuned for Part 2: The Consistent Pitcher.