Friday, October 21, 2011

Clark Klaasen: Interview - Stage 1 2011 Q School

Every athlete dreams of what it would be like to go PRO and wonders if they have what it takes to compete. We'd like to invite you to join us next week for two exciting new events with professional golfer Clark Klaasen as he prepares for Q School on his way to breaking through to the PGA Tour.

An interview with Clark... gain insight from his personal perspective on his golf game, swing, training and in general life as professional golfer since graduating from Duke University and the Duke Golf program.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Clark Klaasen: Swing Biomechanics and Training - Stage 1 2011 Q School

We will be documenting ZenoLink golfer Clark Klaasen's training process as he attempts to capture that elusive PGA "tour card". Prior to each stage of Q School we will review his ZenoLink data and discuss how we are using the data to design a unique training cycle for each stage. We will also schedule time to interview Clark himself to discuss his game, training and strategy.

This webinar will focus on data analysis of his current swing biomechanics and the PST training program designed to peak his body and his biomechanics for Stage 1 play. We will also discuss the overall strategy for implementing training over the course of the next three months for each of the 3 stages.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Webinar about The Biomechanics of Shot Speed in Lacrosse. Power and Speed in a Lacrosse shot are a result of effective lower body mechanics, core differentiation and bracing and stick whip.

During this webinar, we will begin to discuss the three key areas that allow a player to develop shot speed.

1) How effective lower body mechanics create power
2) How Power is converted into rotational speed through the core
3) How rotational speed produces stick speed via "whip"

In addition to discussing the biomechanics of movement, we will overview aspects of using ZenoLink's Progressive Skills Training (PST) to effectively train power and stick speed through improved coordination.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Design an Off-Season Training Program Using PST

Make the most of an off season program by integrating ZenoLink Progressive Skills Training (PST).

In this webinar, we will discuss how to design an effective off season program that will give you an edge next spring/summer. Use PST (Progressive Skills Training) to drive the process. Augment your skills/coordination training with more generalized strength/condition/mobility/power to optimize your efforts.

Don't just "hit the gym" this off season to stay in shape and work on general strength, conditioning and speed, instead create a game plan to improve coordination and performance. Use a ZenoLink 3-D analysis to create a blueprint for improvement based on your individual strengths and weaknesses. Employ specialized coordination/skills training via PST based on the blueprint to ensure success.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Biomechanics of Pitching: Maximum Velocity and Efficiency.

Maximize throwing velocity while minimizing the risk of mechanical injury through improved biomechanics and throwing efficiency.

The keys to maximum throwing velocity and efficiency.

1. lower body drives the power process
2. core turns power into rotational speed
3. maximum arm speed comes from shoulder internal rotation velocity

Watch at YouTube

Monday, August 29, 2011

The Biomechanics of Hitting: power and efficiency.

There are three areas of hitting biomechanics crucial to power:

1. Lower body mechanics
2. Core - differentiation
3. Bat release - bracing

Gaining power through efficiency of movement marries maximum bat speed with consistency and accuracy.

Watch at YouTube.

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Biomechanics of Base Stealing.

The first three steps make the difference. And the KEY to the first three steps is Push / Pull pattern. This webinar covers the basics of the biomechanics of acceleration from lead off position. It explains how a runner pushes against the ground to accelerate forward but then quickly pulls forward before their drive leg leaves the ground to swing through. The key to explosive acceleration is explosive well times push against the ground, pull and core counter torque.

view at YouTube:

Friday, August 5, 2011

Progessive Skills Training (PST) Primer - video

Recorded webinar on Progressive Skills Training.

The webinar was a primer on the basics of progressive skills training - concepts and application.

view video at YouTube: Progressive Skills Training (PST) Primer

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

PST. Progressive Skills Training.

Training the body in ways that duplicate or utilize activity specific pattern/movement has the greatest impact on improving activity specific coordination.

To truly harness a body’s functional capacity for strength, mobility, power and achieve significant gains in golf swing performance, a golfer’s physical ability must be shaped into a more efficient and effective coordination. The principles of specificity of training must be applied. Simply stated, the closer an exercise is to producing the actual demands of the activity the more impact it will have on performance.

To create the highest level of specificity, we use a knowledge base of the actual biomechanics of a golf swing. The biomechanics of the golf swing allow us to very exactly define activity specific coordination. It is from this definition that we can create an exercise program with the highest degree of specificity.

Ideally, the ability to quantify an individual’s golf swing movement patterns using a three-dimensional motion capture technology will allow for the most individualized program based on the golfer’s activity specific strengths and weakness.

The first thing to understand is that any training program must follow some basic progression and periodization for best results. That means we must first start by developing a strength, mobility base before we train speed. We must also start small with general movements and advance to more complex highly specific training.

Some basic principles of developing a Progressive Skills TrainingTM program for golf.

  1. The first step is to create a solid base with the lower body. In order to do this we have to train the golfer to grip the ground firmly and rotate body segments: the pelvis, upper torso and arms without letting go of the connection to the ground.
  2. The second step is to learn how to engage the core musculature and stabilize the spine while firmly connecting to the ground through the feet and at the same time rotating body segments.
  3. Next we must teach the body how to swing the club around a stabile core and a connected lower body. The arms must remain relaxed and pliable while the lower body and core contract strongly to maintain stability. When this is accomplished the club can be accelerated to great speeds with very little relative effort.
  4. Once we have developed a base of movement, we can then use the principles of speed development including plyometrics and overspeed/underspeed to advance the training.

Progressive Skills TrainingTM does not replace fitness training or swing instruction, but instead ties the two together. The most effective way to approach this aspect of training is in phases throughout a year.

Phase 1 would focus on skill development and re-training certain aspects of the golf swing movement pattern based on an individual’s biomechanical strengths and weaknesses. This phase would be similar to the strength/mobility base training one would undergo in a standard fitness periodization process. This phase would generally last 8 weeks but could vary depending on circumstances.

Phase 2 would focus on speed development through movement pattern. This phase would be similar to a ballistic/speed training segment of a power-speed training periodization process. This phase would generally last 8 weeks.

Phase 3 would be more geared toward in-season training. In this phase emphasis would be placed on maintaining off-season gains with some key target areas for continued improvement. A combination of phase 1 and 2 exercises would be employed. During an in-season program, mini phase 1 and phase 2 cycles which would last approximately 4 weeks could be designed to help a golfer peak for key events.

Friday, July 29, 2011

ZenoLink - Activity Specific Coordination

How the body moves and sequences during an activity is key to performance and avoiding injury. Utilizing training for improved golf swing performance is best accomplished through improving activity specific coordination.

The body moves in very specific patterns during the golf swing. These patterns can be referred to as activity specific coordination. The more efficient and effective the patterns of movement or coordination the better the golf swing performance.

Some keys to golf swing coordination:

  1. The body uses the back swing as a counter movement in an effort to more effectively load the muscles during the down swing. As a result, the body must effectively and efficiently change direction from back swing to down swing to take advantage and properly load and sequence muscular activity. Stability – lower body and torso/core are crucial to this process. A key aspect to stability and golf coordination is the ability to rotate body segments, in particular the pelvis, upper torso and arms around a stable core. Maintaining a stable core depends heavily on lower body stability and mechanics.
  2. The lower body creates a force couple or torque to initiate the down swing and start the speed generation process. In order to do this, the feet must first be connected solidly to the ground and weight/force must be applied into the ground through the balls of the feet. The feet grip the ground with a downward force while at the same time pushing along the surface of the ground to accelerate the pelvis. There is a very specific blend of linear component or forward weight shift and rotational component.
  3. The pelvis is connected to the upper body via the core musculature and a stretch-shorten process. Core muscles are rapidly stretched during the downswing and respond by contracting strongly. This action produces muscular force as well as a transference and amplification of speed between the pelvis and upper torso. The pelvis acts as an “anchor” to “whip” the upper body. This sequence and core muscular engagement are crucial to an effective and efficient development of club head speed. This same process occurs between the upper torso and the arms. Speed developed at the pelvis is amplified as it is passed to the upper torso and then again to the arms.
  4. As the club head nears the impact zone, the body braces to release the club and accelerate the club head. The ability to brace is directly related to lower body connection to the ground through the feet and core strength. At the same time, the arms must stay relaxed to allow speed to be fully transferred to the club head through impact.
ZenoLink uses 6dof, 3-D motion data to measure "activity specific coordination" or golf swing biomechanics. From this analysis strengths and weaknesses in an individual's coordination/biomechanics can be quantified and assessed. A very specific individualized program can be developed that will directly impact golf swing coordination/biomechanics... these programs are called Progressive Skills Training (PST).